สอบถามทั่วไป -->Eat food Can help nourish the brain for Bright Don't believe it, try it
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หัวเรื่อง : Eat food Can help nourish the brain for Bright Don't believe it, try it
เวลาตอบกระทู้ : 1/6/2021 12:01:10 PM
The brain is known as an extremely important organ in our body. It is the center of the nervous system that controls all functions. Having a bright and smart brain Will help them work and live each day to be happier. But if the brain is tired, lack of concentration or short memory It tends to have a very negative effect on life. But we can nourish our brain To be fresh and intelligent According to the principles that have been deposited together

Eat healthy

Healthy food Considered as the heart of the brain ever. Because of various nutrients That gets into the body that will effectively nourish the brain In addition to eating all 5 food groups, foods rich in B vitamins and iron, etc. will help to strengthen the brain function more efficient and enhance memory.

Always eat vegetables and fruits.

Foods such as fruits and vegetables Which is rich in antioxidants and vitamins Are all very beneficial to the body and brain system Because it keeps the brain fresh More energetic When stressed, it will release antioxidants, so it can be seen that people who like to eat fruits and vegetables on a regular basis. In addition to good skin health Also have a good memory

Eat on time

Eating on time It's something that many people are difficult to do. Especially in this era With life in a hurry And work duties tend to make food less on time, however, we should not take it as an excuse. If you want to keep your brain and body healthy Should pay attention to eat food on time, all 3 meals should not starve any meal. Because it may result in brain fatigue Or if still not really comfortable eating Then might find a snack to eat first

Divided into small meals

We share 5-6 small meals a day to have a positive effect on the body and the brain. Because it will stimulate your energetic and refreshing all the time The brain does not become tired. Always be efficient at work In addition Benefits of eating smaller meals It also helps you lose weight as well.

Tips for eating brain nourishment that we bring. It can be said that it is a very basic method that can be used in daily life. And can see really good results You too can add good things. Can give to the brain Then do not forget to follow and see.

The origin : joker123

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